Soarin’ Soren

Goal: $1,250

Raised: $1,575

126% Complete

126% of Goal Reached

Our Story

Diagnosed with Autism and ADHD at age 5, Soren's start in life was not easy. Therapy five days per week for multiple hours per day finally got him to a place of being able to show everyone the personality we all knew he had inside. Now, Soren is able to attend a Waldorf curriculum school in a regular classroom and is absolutely thriving. He also attends Sport Social weekly to hone in on his athletic skills based down to him from mom and dad. This is Soren's first year at the A Games and everyone is so excited for such a special event. We know that all the kids are going to shine and show the world that they truly are special!

Donations and Comments

Robert Banghart $50 Donation

You’re amazing and I believe in you. Thank you for your strength and example.

Team Soren! $35 Donation

You good boy we love you

Kelley Flynn $150 Donation

Love you Soren

Auntie Krystle $25 Donation

Go, Soren!

Donna Hefner $25 Donation

Grandma Sharron $100 Donation

Good luck Soren!

Jeff $100 Donation

Lauren and Brandon $50 Donation

Bryon Johnson $20 Donation

Go get em kid!!

Auntie Beckie $45 Donation

We love you! Have so much fun Soren!

Tracy Godfrey $50 Donation

Be strong

Uncle Mike, Aunt Sam, and kids $50 Donation

Yay Soren!!! Good luck buddy!!!

Darcy Patterson $20 Donation

Way to go Soren!

Peddling Hope $35 Donation

Hope for All

Kim & Ora Crawford $50 Donation

Good luck Soren

Brendon Ashby $20 Donation

Joe Engle $25 Donation

Let’s Goooooo Soren!’????

Mom & Dad $100 Donation

Veronica Scala $50 Donation


Gretchen Grierson $50 Donation

Rose Fuscaldo Janise $50 Donation

Go Soren!!!!!!

George Petty $25 Donation

Go Soren!!

Carole Hurd $50 Donation

Liam and Teddy $400 Donation

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If you would like more information about the 2024 A Games, please contact us by one of the methods below.
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