Diagnosed with Autism and ADHD at age 5, Soren's start in life was not easy. Therapy five days per week for multiple hours per day finally got him to a place of being able to show everyone the personality we all knew he had inside. Now, Soren is able to attend a Waldorf curriculum school in a regular classroom and is absolutely thriving. He also attends Sport Social weekly to hone in on his athletic skills based down to him from mom and dad. This is Soren's first year at the A Games and everyone is so excited for such a special event. We know that all the kids are going to shine and show the world that they truly are special!
You’re amazing and I believe in you. Thank you for your strength and example.
You good boy we love you
Love you Soren
Go, Soren!
Good luck Soren!
Go get em kid!!
We love you! Have so much fun Soren!
Be strong
Yay Soren!!! Good luck buddy!!!
Way to go Soren!
Hope for All
Good luck Soren
Let’s Goooooo Soren!’????
Go Soren!!!!!!
Go Soren!!
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