The Strobel STARS!

Goal: $2,000

Raised: $215

11% Complete

11% of Goal Reached

Our Story

We are so excited that the A Games are back! Our family has participated each year and Peyton has grown and gained confidence all while having fun and socializing. This event has provided a sporting opportunity for Peyton and for so many others living with autism that they've never had anywhere else. Three months of practices and then the BIG event day on April 6, 2024! We hope you can join us as we raise funds that directly support our Autism community in Nevada. FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) plays a vital role providing programs, scholarships, training, family events, support meetings, mentors, online directory, parent hotlines, 1-1 support and so much more. Life changing support and work is being done at FEAT and we are happy to support the organization that has been critical to our families autism journey over the last 20 years. Thank you for supporting - The Strobel STARS!

Donations and Comments

Strobel $25 Donation

Lets goooooo!

Bonifacio Preciado $50 Donation

Kristy Rubino $40 Donation

Good luck to Peyton and the Strobel Stars!!

David, Ginny, Henry, Auggie, and Milo $25 Donation

Gooooo Peyton and Family! :)

Jenny Johnson $25 Donation

Jennifer Zoller $50 Donation

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If you would like more information about the 2024 A Games, please contact us by one of the methods below.
Date, Time, and Location