Andrea williams

Goal: $1,000

Raised: $2,085

209% Complete

209% of Goal Reached

Our Story

Andi is getting better better each day. She’s a sweet girl . She loves to color and she enjoy sport social activities. Joining in games will help her to gain confidence and socializing can help her making new friends.

Donations and Comments

Jennilyn Jacobe $20 Donation

Go Andy

Aleli Tonelete $100 Donation

We love you Andi ??

Dominador Mendoza Jr $50 Donation

We love u

Hugo Cosmo $40 Donation

Let's Go Andy!! ????

Rab $50 Donation

Go Andi!

Monica Johnson $40 Donation

Go Andrea.. ????

Alma Coronel $100 Donation

Go go go Beshie!!! We love you! Love Beshie, Tito Eugene and Ate Alyssa

Gigi $20 Donation

Chayo go go go

Archie Enriquez $100 Donation

We love & support you Andi!

Violeta Sotelo $24 Donation

Emebet $30 Donation

Bobbie $20 Donation

Edgar $100 Donation

Good luck ????

Rizalina Catindig $106 Donation

Go team Andy! Love u??

Celia Padsing $30 Donation

Papa $170 Donation

Johanna $40 Donation

Go Andrea!

Marvin Bustos $50 Donation

Go Andi!

Cory Arboleda $50 Donation

Queenie Park $50 Donation

Go Andy!

Anonymous $50 Donation

Go Andi!!!

Marimel Ortaliz $50 Donation

Good Job Andi, Love you.

mercy $50 Donation

Go Andi !

Grandma $40 Donation

Love you Andi!

Alline Williams $120 Donation

I love you Andi!

Amiel $50 Donation

Good luck Andi????????

Alline Williams $200 Donation

i love you andi

Eugenia $20 Donation

go go andi!

Aleli Tonelete $50 Donation

We love you Andi you

Alma Coronel $35 Donation

Go go go Andi! We love you!

Dot and John $50 Donation

Have fun and make friends Andi!

Fidencia Gutierrez $100 Donation

Beautiful Princess Andi!!!!

Edwin $30 Donation

Kendall $50 Donation

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If you would like more information about the 2024 A Games, please contact us by one of the methods below.
Date, Time, and Location